Monthly Archives: January 2015

Currently {Issue 5}

Friend, I have been lost without our regular visits!  Sincerely, when I am not able to blog regularly it feels as though I will loose my mind.  I learned at an early age that writing was my medium for processing my thoughts.  Some sing, some draw or paint, some run (I cannot even imagine…)…I write!

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Burnt Toast or the Bread of Life

“Give us today our daily bread.” Matthew 6:11

It is morning. I am checking off tasks on my morning routine “to do” list.

  • Shower. Check.
  • Dress kids. Check.
  • Start breakfast. Toast in the toaster oven. Check and check.
  • Fill sippys. Check.
  • Say our goodbyes to Daddy as he heads out the door for work. Check.
  • Empty dishwasher. Fill dishwasher. Check and check.

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