Friend, I have been lost without our regular visits!  Sincerely, when I am not able to blog regularly it feels as though I will loose my mind.  I learned at an early age that writing was my medium for processing my thoughts.  Some sing, some draw or paint, some run (I cannot even imagine…)…I write!

But blogging is not just about me writing and you reading.  It is about a friendship.  So…thank you, friend, for being patient with me as I adjust to my new job.  The truth is I struggle with balance.  Always have.  I am an all AND nothing kind of girl.  You know the girl who focuses so crazy hard on one thing to the point that everything else in her live falls into shambles?  I give my all to one area and nothing to another. Also, I have physical limitations that I struggle with due to a childhood illness so my energy is depleted a lot sooner in the day than most people’s.  Well, I really do like my new job, and I want to do it well…so blogging has been on the back burner simmering.

I haven’t forgot you. Actually, I think about you at 4:00 in the morning, but I have to discipline myself to stay in bed and rest because I know I have to go teach in a few hours.  So round and round my thoughts swirl in my mind.

This is just a season.  My posts will be sporadic for awhile.  I hope you pop in from time to time to check on me.

Until then let’s catch up.

So here is what I am currently up to:

Enjoying: Gilmore Girls on Netflix!  Seriously!  This is the third time I have watched the series.  I watched it when it was on the first time, then again when my firstborn was nursing.  This time I have been watching it entirely on my phone whenever I find a free moment…as I am getting ready for work, while cooking dinner, when insomnia sets in… I am in the middle of season five.


Reading: A Bible study written by one of my sweet friends from college, Courtney Kendall Steed.  It is called Everything You Need.  It is the perfect topic for me as I have a deep sense of lack in so many areas of my life right now.

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Listening to: My commute is long, and my son is with me most of the time so we listen to children’s audio books.  You do what you gotta do.  We are not a musical family.  My children beg me to turn the radio off when I try to listen to music.


Planning: My 10 year anniversary trip!  I am so looking forward to celebrating 10 years with my husband this summer.

Working On: Losing weight!  I lost thirty pounds a couple years ago and gained back forty.  (Keeping it real!) So I am back to counting calories. Pray for me!

Looking Forward To: A snow day!  It is the end of January and there has been zero snow days!  I am one disappointed teacher!  Praying that we will get a day or two in February! Actually tomorrow is my day off.  I am going to pretend that I am having my own personal snow day.  I wonder how many calories would be in my hot chocolate and marshmallows.  Bring on the endless hours of Gilmore Girls.




























So what about you?  I would love to know what you have been up to!

Follow e on Instagram.


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