Last year I was introduced to the concept of One Word.  The idea is instead of making a new year’s resolution you are likely to break, you chose one word that will be your theme or your focus for the year.  I my case the words choose me.

The word “transition” chose me last year.  I knew I was going to be transitioning in so many areas of my life.  Having that word as my focus helped me to stay calm with all the changes.  In knew it was just part of the process.

This year my word is:blessed

This word has been on my heart for months.  Since I took the leap of faith to stay-at-home, God has made Himself known to me as Jehovah-jireh, the LORD Will Provide. He has taught me to be content and to recognize His blessings even if the world doesn’t consider them to be blessing.

My journey through Ann Voskamp’s book, One Thousand Gifts, further solidified my understanding the importance of receiving His gifts with open arms and a grateful heart.

So, what does it me that my word is “blessed”.

I feel an urging to do a word study to further understand what it means, how one becomes blessed, for what purpose God blesses His children, and what action is required of me because I am blessed.

I hope you come back and share some coffee time with me as I dive into this year-long study.

onewordblessedSo what is your One Word?  I would love to know.

Oh…one more thing…I have found a little community to share your ideas with over at Check it out!


4 comments on “One Word: Blessed

  1. Pingback: One Little Word

  2. Pingback: What Does it Mean to be Blessed? | Coffee With Jen

  3. Pingback: One Word 2015: Yield | CoffeeWithJen

  4. Pingback: One word: My theme for the upcoming year – salty cinderella

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