One Word

Whatever Is Lovely

I know it is almost Spring Break, but it’s not too late to talk about New Year’s…is it?

Over the past few years, instead of selecting New Year’s resolutions which are dumped by the end of January, I have joined the growing trend of choosing a One Word focus for the year.  Actually, I have found that it is the other way around…the word chooses me.  The words become a theme for the LORD to shape and mold me.

Some of my past words have been blessed, yield, and hope.  By the end of each year these words have had such deeper meanings.  I learned that I was in fact blessed, but I was blessed to be a blessing to others.  I learned that I had to yield to the LORD so that my efforts for the kingdom would yield healthier fruit.  And I learned that hope is not a wish; it is something that we should actively be anticipating….and “that hope does not disappoint”!

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One Word 2015: Yield

This is the third year that I have thrown all New Year’s Resolutions out the window and replaced it with a “one word” focus.  Some people choose a word to help set goals for the year. Sometimes the word chooses you. My words have always chosen me.  I feel they reflected what the LORD was actively doing in my heart or wanted to teach me.

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Sowing Seeds of Encouragement at the Ice Cream Shop

Anxiety weighs down the heart, but a kind word cheers it up.

When I walked into Braum’s, I saw her sitting in the corner.  She had that familiar look on her face.  You probably know the one I’m talking about.  Desperation had lead her to indulge her kids with a sweet treat of ice cream just so she could sit in crowded solitude for the five minutes it took them to eat it.

I have been there too!

The momma heart in me wanted to run over, hand her a $100 bill that I didn’t have, and tell her I would watch her kids while she went out and got a massage.

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What Does it Mean to be Blessed?

When I chose the word “blessed” as my One Word focus, it was because it is a word I use often, and I had a sinking suspicion that I misunderstand it.  For example, when we have had a great weekend, “We had a great time hanging out with good friends.  We are so blessed!”  Or after assessing the Christmas carnage of boxes, wrapping, and bows, “What a great Christmas!  We are so blessed!”

It is such a common misperception in the Christian faith that blessings are material possessions and that pursuing a Christian walk will automatically result in is an easy life paved with good things.

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