Monthly Archives: May 2014

Professional Headshots: Why Your Photographer Matters

So, I recently had some headshots taken.  You might wonder why on earth someone like me would need a formal headshot.  Actually, there are plenty of reasons, even for a stay-at-home mom. Whether you have a direct sales business, are a blogger, or work with non-profits, you can never go wrong presenting an image of professionalism.

I have on occasion been invited to guest write on other blogs.  Sometimes they request headshots to include with my bio.  At some point, I decided that cropping everyone else out of a current family picture wasn’t good enough.  It was time to bring in some professional help.

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Five Minute Friday: Close

I love the challenge of Five Minute Friday. Lately, I haven’t had time to participate, but I carved out some time this afternoon, because I have missed it. If you are interested in joining in, head over to Lisa-Jo Baker’s website and check out the details. In a nutshell it is hundreds of bloggers, one-word prompt, five minutes of unbridled writing.

This week the topic is “close”.  Ready…set…go!

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Currently {Issue 3} Summer on Coffee With Jen

“To everything there is a season…” Ecclesiastes 3:1a

One thing that I know to be true about myself, is that I enjoy the changing of the seasons.  I also believe in honoring the season I am in.  Summer is a time to rest, study, and PLAY.  This summer I will be doing a lot of each of those!

So here is what I am currently up to:

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What is Your Mission Field?

We are all called to ministry.  Called to be the hands and feet of Jesus tending to the needs of those in our lives…the whole person…both physical and spiritual.  I can make a list of those to whom I am called to minister.  There is my husband, my sweet children, my Bible study group, my friends, my co-workers, my students, my neighbors, my barista….etc. But this spring I had the honor of a special assignment: minister to a missionary.

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Har-Ber Village Day Trip: Grove, OK

Harvey Jones was an important businessman in the state of Arkansas.  He started a delivery business with a mule team and a wagon when he was 18 years-old, and over the course of a lifetime built the largest trucking company in the country, The Jones Truck Line.  He and his wife, Bernice, were community minded and loved supporting children and young families. 

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