Monthly Archives: March 2017

Whatever Is Lovely

I know it is almost Spring Break, but it’s not too late to talk about New Year’s…is it?

Over the past few years, instead of selecting New Year’s resolutions which are dumped by the end of January, I have joined the growing trend of choosing a One Word focus for the year.  Actually, I have found that it is the other way around…the word chooses me.  The words become a theme for the LORD to shape and mold me.

Some of my past words have been blessed, yield, and hope.  By the end of each year these words have had such deeper meanings.  I learned that I was in fact blessed, but I was blessed to be a blessing to others.  I learned that I had to yield to the LORD so that my efforts for the kingdom would yield healthier fruit.  And I learned that hope is not a wish; it is something that we should actively be anticipating….and “that hope does not disappoint”!

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Five Minute Friday: Purpose

One of the things I missed most during my 18 month hiatus from blogging is the practice of Five Minute Fridays…and the community there!

I have met some of my best online friends there.

Kate provides the clan with a one word prompt, and we all set our timers to write for five minutes flat.  It is a challenging assignment, especially for those who are grammatically cranky or the poor spellers like me.

I am very out of practice so please bare with me.  This won’t be a Pulitzer Prize Piece, but I need to practice my craft…

The word this week is PURPOSE


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