One word. Five minutes. The prompt this week: willing. Thank you, Lisa-Jo Baker, for encouraging me to be brave and to simply write.
Timer started…ready…set…go!
One word. Five minutes. The prompt this week: willing. Thank you, Lisa-Jo Baker, for encouraging me to be brave and to simply write.
Timer started…ready…set…go!
Hundreds of bloggers link up over on Lisa-Jo Baker’s website to write on a one word prompt for five minutes. Great fun. Great stress. Great practice.
Set time for five minutes….
Five Minute Friday– Hundreds of bloggers writing on the same one word prompt. Setting the timer for five minutes. No extensive editing. Great exercise for a perfectionist like me!
Setting the timer…Ready…Set…Go…
Ok, I am going to try Five Minute Friday again. This is so challenging, yet refreshing as a writer. One word prompt. Five minutes to write.
Setting timer. Go.
This is my first Five Minute Friday. I have been following Lisa-Jo Baker for awhile and have been very intrigued by this challenge, but I have been too intimidated to join in. I am going to give it a try. Be gracious with me as I try. Timer set. Go…