
Let Every Heart Prepare Him Room

Advent is a season of waiting. Oh sweet friend, this is it.  This is what we have been waiting for.  The time has come.  God’s plan is ripe.  After hundreds of years of prophecy…then silence…

God Himself enters His own creation!

That is the miracle of Christmas.  Don’t miss it.  In my 35 years, my mind has finally been opened.  Did you see it?

Slow down…soak it in…

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Six Tips for Establishing Christmas Traditions

Last week I had the opportunity to speak at my old MOPS group. It has been a year and a half since I was involved with this group.  It warmed my heart to see so many new faces.  Many of the women whom I was in MOPS with have transitioned to a new season of life like I have.  To see the group strong and growing is so wonderful!

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Letter to Santa: Free Printable

One of our Christmas traditions is our children receive three gifts from us (because Jesus got three gifts) and one from Santa.   Two of the three gifts are usually something practical like something they can wear or something educational.  This has been a helpful tradition to hold both the kids and me accountable.  Since they know that they only have four gifts coming it cuts down on their expectations and they are more judicious about what they ask for.  It also keeps me from breaking our budget!

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Advent Ideas for Children

Last time we had coffee, I told you about what my husband and I are doing for Advent.  Some have asked me what we are doing with our kids for Advent.  Well, we have fun of course!  I mean we are getting ready to celebrate a big birthday, right?  It doesn’t have to be all somber and quiet reflection!  It’s a party!

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