Monthly Archives: February 2014

The Land of Dreams and Fairy Tales: Terra Studios

One reason why I wanted to start this blog is to share the fun adventures that my family enjoys.  Almost every weekend from Spring to Fall, we load up the car and go on day trips.  Being a one income family, we have learned to maximize the local attractions.  My friends are always amazed with how we have so much fun for cheap to free.

If you are in Northwest Arkansas, I think you will enjoy this series.  Keep watching the NWA Day Trips category.  Also, things like this will be tagged as #familyadventures #onabudget and #48walks.

This past weekend we took a day trip to Terra Studios which is a approximately 13 miles east of Fayetteville, AR.  As a child I could only dream of such wonderment. 

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What I Am Listening To {Issue 4: Falling Deeper in Love with Jesus}

Friend,  the things that you listen to are so important.  The music.  The tv.  The conversations. The self-talk. They either lift you up and lead you closer to Christ, or they drag you down and further away.

Podcasts have become such a wonderful way for me to fill my mind with God’s truths.  Now that I have a smart phone, I load up my favorite sermons and turn them on in the morning while I am getting ready for the day.

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No Sew DIY Leg Warmers

When did the 80’s cycle back around?  My daughter’s outfits look like she stepped out of a Winter JCPenny’s catalog from that decade.  So naturally she needed some leg warmers!

She had out grown a lot of her cute tights that I was partial to, so I made them into leg warmers. It was seriously easy. 

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Hope in a Broken World

My husband found me in the closet on the floor—crying.  It is not uncommon…really…if I am honest.  I can be dramatic.  This night I was spent.  One too many things had went wrong with the day.

He walked in.  And then he walked out.  Then he walked in and sat beside me in silence.(So thankful he loves me.)

Finally I said, “Everything is broken.”

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