Monthly Archives: November 2013

What I Am Listening To {Issue2: The Word}

One of my favorite things to do on a Sunday afternoon as my family is resting is to load up some podcasts, get plugged-in, and work in the kitchen.  I will cut up the fruits and veggies for the week and prepare a casserole or stew that we will eat both Sunday and Monday night.

I listen to a variety of pastors, bloggers, and worship leaders from various denominations. I seem to get stuck on a theme when I search for different sermons. My theme lately has been “The Word”.

Check these out!

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Mullen Dinner Menu November 17th-22nd, 2013

Last week I tried two new recipes.  Neither one was a hit, but we ate it.  Yesterday I tried a new recipe for chicken tortilla soup. This is a keeping-it-real moment…I am a cook in training.  I thought I could handle a from scratch recipe…nothing canned…half-and-half…the whole bit.  I worked all afternoon on chopping vegetables and following the recipe to the “t”.  IT WAS AWFUL!!!!!!!

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Titus 2 Woman: Michelle Duggar

Unless you have been hiding under a rock for the last few years, you know who the Duggars are.  Everyone has an opinion about them and their family choices.  Some positive. Some negative.  Until I met Michelle in person, I had my doubts about her sincerity.  Now I have nothing but respect for her and her family. 

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