
Parenting Resources for Mothers of Tween Girls

Before becoming a mom, I was a teacher. I have taught in some capacity ever since, but not full-time. I have professionally taught all levels from preschool through adult education. My favorite two ages to teach are fourth and fifth grade and adults.

In fourth and fifth  grade, the kids still think you are brilliant and are worth listening to. They have a new sense of independence with enough caution to keep them from making incredibility ridiculous decisions. Their abstract thinking is developing so they can start to have deeper conversations, and you really get a sense of who that are and will become.

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After taking a long break from blogging, I decided to reserve this site for mainly ministry and devotional style pieces, but I know my readers have really enjoyed my family day trip posts in the past. I still get messages requesting ideas for family activities and recommendations for various businesses.

Last week an awesome website was launched in Northwest Arkansas to be a tool for families here in NWA.  To be honest when I came across it on social media, my first thought was, “WHY DIDN’T I THINK OF THAT!”  I am so excited to have a resource to refer my readers to so that you all can get some current recommendations for these type of requests I receive,

Please allow me to introduce you to FamilyLifeNWA!

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Five Minute Friday: Purpose

One of the things I missed most during my 18 month hiatus from blogging is the practice of Five Minute Fridays…and the community there!

I have met some of my best online friends there.

Kate provides the clan with a one word prompt, and we all set our timers to write for five minutes flat.  It is a challenging assignment, especially for those who are grammatically cranky or the poor spellers like me.

I am very out of practice so please bare with me.  This won’t be a Pulitzer Prize Piece, but I need to practice my craft…

The word this week is PURPOSE


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Lessons Learned from My Adult Ed. Students

What an amazing journey I had this past year!  I was given the honor to teach a group of Hispanic parents in the Springdale Family Literacy Program.  Monday-Thursday these women (and one gentleman) showed up to my little cottage outside an elementary school with one motivation…providing a better life for their families.

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A Visit from The Tightly Wound Woman

One of the unexpected joys of blogging has been the online friendships I have developed!  It is so neat to be a part of an online community of writers who all strive to glorify the Father through their writing.  One of my peers, Katie Reid, was the first to make me feel like I belonged. We meet through Five Minute Friday.  She sought me out through Twitter to be apart of her Psalms Series last spring and then again on her Open Hearts Series.  She helped me find my confidence as a blogger.

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Good Community Heals

As I continue on my #52lattes journey, let me introduce to you to gals I do life with.   There are actually about 12 of us who meet faithfully every Thursday night to encourage each other and to dive into the word. We try to find time throughout the week to touch base with each other. It is a beautiful thing to see all the relationships built within our group.

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Reflections from #AWBU

Last weekend I attended #AWBU which my first blogging conference.  I have been a member of Arkansas Women Bloggers dating back to my time with Mosaic of Moms.  This was my first time to meet a lot of these women in real life.  Some have been a part of my blogging community from the beginning.  What joy it was to hug the necks of so many of these women who have been just thumbnail pics for years.

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Saving Grace: Butterflies and Blooms

Saving Grace is a local non-profit that is near and dear to my heart.  It has been amazing to watch this ministry unfold. Becky Shaffer, the founder and CEO, grew up in the foster system and children’s homes.  The LORD has had a calling on her life.  He was able to take a broken past, completely redeem it for his glory, and has provided a future for many.

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