
Is Jesus Company to Impress or Family to Enjoy?

Today, I am hosting one of my sweetest blogging friends, Katie M. Reid.  Katie has guest posted for me in the past.  I am immensely proud of her of as she officially launched her first book, Made Like Martha, last week.  I am honored to have her share a little of what her book is about. In this post she shares story from her book when she encounters Jesus in her living room.  After that, scroll down to the bottom to read my personal review of the book.

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Parenting Resources for Mothers of Tween Girls

Before becoming a mom, I was a teacher. I have taught in some capacity ever since, but not full-time. I have professionally taught all levels from preschool through adult education. My favorite two ages to teach are fourth and fifth grade and adults.

In fourth and fifth  grade, the kids still think you are brilliant and are worth listening to. They have a new sense of independence with enough caution to keep them from making incredibility ridiculous decisions. Their abstract thinking is developing so they can start to have deeper conversations, and you really get a sense of who that are and will become.

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Whatever Is Lovely

I know it is almost Spring Break, but it’s not too late to talk about New Year’s…is it?

Over the past few years, instead of selecting New Year’s resolutions which are dumped by the end of January, I have joined the growing trend of choosing a One Word focus for the year.  Actually, I have found that it is the other way around…the word chooses me.  The words become a theme for the LORD to shape and mold me.

Some of my past words have been blessed, yield, and hope.  By the end of each year these words have had such deeper meanings.  I learned that I was in fact blessed, but I was blessed to be a blessing to others.  I learned that I had to yield to the LORD so that my efforts for the kingdom would yield healthier fruit.  And I learned that hope is not a wish; it is something that we should actively be anticipating….and “that hope does not disappoint”!

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A Cord of Three Strands

So I am starting out on my grand adventure of #52lattes. It is a journey of sharing my life and learning from others one cup at a time. The idea is that I will give you insight to the intimate conversations that I have over coffee with friends, family, mentors, and even complete strangers. I will try to do this once a week over the course of a year, hence the 52.

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The Best Yes {100th Post, Next Phase of the Blog, and Giveaway}

This is my 100th post on Coffee With Jen! I can’t believe that it has been one year ago this month that you and I have had our first cup together! I feel that I have grown so much on this journey. You have graciously allowed me to find my voice here.  Thank you, friend, for listening to my heart and encouraging me.

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Currently {Issue 4} I am Back!

Ah, Friend, I have missed you dearly!  I have been on a hiatus for most of July.  Being a teacher, I function best on the school calendar.  I NEED MY SUMMER BREAKS!  But I have to tell you, this break has just about killed me.  To withhold myself from getting behind this screen and letting my fingers dance, is like trying to breathe under water.

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