Five Minute Friday– Hundreds of bloggers writing on the same one word prompt. Setting the timer for five minutes. No extensive editing. Great exercise for a perfectionist like me!
Setting the timer…Ready…Set…Go…
Five Minute Friday– Hundreds of bloggers writing on the same one word prompt. Setting the timer for five minutes. No extensive editing. Great exercise for a perfectionist like me!
Setting the timer…Ready…Set…Go…
Dear Friend,
I hope your family is staying well during this frigid winter/cold and flu season! Do you need some comfort food to keep you well and warm? This one is my mom’s simple recipe for Creamy Potato and Bacon Soup.
Seriously, it is like a million warm hugs from my childhood served up in a bowl of rich goodness.
I have exciting news I am just dying to share with you, Friend!
I am starting a new adventure in the online world! It is podcasting and blog networking. I started my blog journey with Mosaic of Moms almost three years ago. It has come clear that my ministry calling is not just to moms but to all women.
Ok, I am going to try Five Minute Friday again. This is so challenging, yet refreshing as a writer. One word prompt. Five minutes to write.
Setting timer. Go.
Since I have chosen “blessed” to be my one word, I have been seeking to better understand the meaning of that word. So when I came across this necklace on Etsy I had to snatch it up.
When I chose the word “blessed” as my One Word focus, it was because it is a word I use often, and I had a sinking suspicion that I misunderstand it. For example, when we have had a great weekend, “We had a great time hanging out with good friends. We are so blessed!” Or after assessing the Christmas carnage of boxes, wrapping, and bows, “What a great Christmas! We are so blessed!”
It is such a common misperception in the Christian faith that blessings are material possessions and that pursuing a Christian walk will automatically result in is an easy life paved with good things.
I have really been intrigued by the debate stirred up by Candace Cameron Bure’s (yes…D.J. Tanner from Full House) comments about submission in her new book Balancing It All. I have not read the book, but I agree with her views on marriage that has stirred all the buzz in the media about women’s rights.
So what is on your menu for the week? Wanna take a peek at mine?
We are trying to get back on track with our calorie counting. Two years ago I lost 32 lbs using myfitnesspal app. I gained it all back (and then some) last year so it is time to get it under control again.
With that in mind, I have been searching Pinterest for some healthy recipes (see my board here). I will take the next few weeks try out some new recipes and revisit some old ones.
This is my first Five Minute Friday. I have been following Lisa-Jo Baker for awhile and have been very intrigued by this challenge, but I have been too intimidated to join in. I am going to give it a try. Be gracious with me as I try. Timer set. Go…
As I get my home back in order after the madness of the holidays and the extended vacation due to snow, I wanted something new for a centerpiece. This simple centerpiece is not only beautiful, but smells oh so yummy!